The Honest, No-Gimmicky Approach
The Honest, No-Gimmicky Approach
Entering "Weight Loss" into a keyword tracker tool or a search engine like Google will reveal an alarming number of daily searches on this particular subject. For instance, if you go to and type "weight loss" into their word tracking tool, you'll notice that over 5,000 people look for ways to lose weight every single day.
But this shouldn't be a cause for concern; after all, everyone wants to be popular and well-liked. Maybe this explains our fascination with famous people and how we sometimes put our health at risk by heedlessly following their weight loss trends, even if they are harmful to us.
Observing wild animals will reveal that they are often in tip-top shape, quick on their feet, and sharp as tacks when they are not in confinement. This is because, in contrast to humans, all animals follow the same basic rules of health, such as consuming the correct nutrients for your body type and engaging in sufficient physical activity. These are the fundamental rules, although others may include things like getting enough sleep, sunshine, and social interaction.
As the slogan of my drugless healing site says: "if one way is true, it is the way of nature." I am writing this to inform you that there are numerous weight loss myths and fads that, when carefully examined, will make you question why you ever thought it would be a good idea to give them a try.
In addition, my friends, Nature submits to no one, wants no accolades or acclaim, and merely requests a hearing.
Adopting the three tenets of naturopathy—proper exercise, a healthy diet, and positive thinking—will put you in the best position to lose weight.
Let me give you a quick rundown of each one:
The Right Workout:
Now, I used to think that large, pumped-up muscles represented health and fitness, like the majority of people. Oh, I see. Sure, it could portray strength—at least temporarily. However, if you ask anybody about Bruce Lee, one of the greatest martial artists of all time—they'll tell you that he did a thousand push-ups and other strength feats, but any photo of him would show that he wasn't some bloated mass of muscle waiting to deflate, like most fitness experts and bodybuilders who use artificial supplements—look at the wrinkles and sagging skin on their faces all the time.
So, it's safe to say that basic aerobic exercises involving oxygen (like running, walking, and dancing) and anaerobic exercises involving non-oxygen (like push-ups, pull-ups, dips, the ab-wheel, and weight lifting for body builders) can suffice in and of themselves, without the need for synthetic exercise aids. Without a doubt, Yoga is unparalleled for individuals seeking a mental and physical workout.
>In my experience, a proper and sensible diet—which I will explain soon—and the centuries-old Sun Salutations—revered in Yoga, martial arts, and African wrestling as the "best exercise for humans"—put you on the road to weight loss and strength.
Incredibly strong, powerful, agile, and virility-enhancing, some Indians do this incredible exercise 100 times a day or more. You can expect to witness remarkable results when you incorporate additional poses such as inversions (Shoulder-Stand), forward bends (Head to Knee Pose), backward bends, and balancing poses. These are some of the finest exercises for toning the arms and abdomen, as well as restoring balance and self-confidence. I mean, who needs to brag about how fit and gorgeous Sting, Madonna, Russell Simmons, Beyonce, and Prince are when you consider how many celebrities who practise Yoga?
The bottom line is that, in my view, the human body is best served by exercises that utilise its own weight as resistance, such as Yoga, Callisthenics, and Pilates. I could go on and on about the benefits of breathing exercises from the Yoga genre for weight loss, and abdominal exercises in particular, but that's a whole other discussion.
Do you know of any instances when a chimpanzee repeatedly lifted rocks? But even with eight times the strength of the typical modern human, that extinct relative of ours can wrench a car door off a vehicle. Given that humans share approximately 98% of our DNA with apes, it's reasonable to ask how much better off we would be if we followed the rules laid out by Mother Nature when it came to what we ate and how much exercise we got.
THE RIGHT FOODS — "You are what you eat" Someone else
"Let what you eat be your medicine and what you drink be your food." You shall get food from every plant that has a seed and from every tree that has fruit that contains seeds (Hippocrates, the father of medicine) Genesis 1:29
It should be very clear from these extreme quotations that most contemporary diets go counter to what Mother Nature intended for humans in terms of strength, agility, and physical fitness. Rereading these three quotations should make the right eating plan crystal clear if you're trying to lose weight: Horticultural Goods.
This is coming from someone who was a raw vegan for a while; these days, I fast and eat just fruit and vegetables, either raw or cooked, every other day. I know it; it's not easy. You might as well not try if you're too extreme in your approach; after all, nothing stands on shaky ground.
While I do my best to cover all the bases in my site's core e-book, if you want to learn more about vegan diets, raw vegan diets, or vegetarianism, you can do a thorough search on any of these topics and find a wealth of information. After trying the Standard American diet, the Paleo diet, and the Keto diet, I've come to believe that the first two, and possibly the third, when implemented with caution and wisdom, are the healthiest options for people.
In my article titled "Is a Low-Carb, High-Protein diet the best for weight loss?" which can be found on my blog and in some article directories, I briefly mentioned internal cleanliness and the benefits of a diet free of animal products. However, given the quotes above and the fact that this diet has been proven to be the best time and time again (just ask Bill Pearlman, four-time Mr. Universe!), it goes without saying that this is the best diet for humans.
To get a feel for what to eat each day, check out my article "How to Cure Acne in 10 days" on my site or in one of the many large article directories online. It was visible in most of them during the previous Google spider crawl, but I included it here just in case.
As a last thought on the topic of healthy eating, I'll leave you with this: according to the anthropological approach of various Naturopathic authors and basic observation, our primate ancestors, the great apes, were frugivores, meaning they subsisted mostly on fruits and green leaves. It's no coincidence that these same substances are found in the mucus-free or alkaline-forming foods that science has shown to be beneficial for human health and weight loss.
sensible POSITIVE THINKING: Some passages from the Bible, which is arguably the most difficult book ever written, remind us of how crucial it is to approach every task with a positive and sensible mindset. The keys to eternal life are in your heart, therefore keep it safe. "As a man thinks in his heart; so is he...". However, it is true that your thoughts manifest into reality.
The mind possesses abilities that surpass human understanding at times; nonetheless, as stated by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, author of "The Power of Positive Thinking," "You are what you are now based on your thoughts five years ago and will be what you constantly think of yourself now in five years." Thoughts are powerful, but without action, even happy, constructive thoughts are meaningless. Reading this post shows that you want to improve yourself, whether that's through weight reduction or something else entirely.
As with any journey in life, there will be moments when you feel like giving up, losing faith, or losing focus and stopping short of your goals. This is why most people fail at diets and fads that claim to help them lose weight. My friend, to overcome these doubts and fears and keep moving forward, you literally have to tune your thinking to be positive. Since the other two components of drugless healing are complementary, it will really be easier to implement all three in order to lose weight.
Put an end to the fleeting trends and empty promises. The three cornerstones of health—nutrition, exercise, and positive thinking—must be addressed in any healing program, but notably weight loss programs. In addition to helping you lose weight, my goal in writing this article is to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about your health and fitness journey.
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